First edition, such an exit!

The Well Done Sowing Days
On 27th, 28th and 29th May, SOLÀ held the first edition of the Well Done Sowing Days, at its facilities in Calaf, with a large number of people.
The event began in the morning with a warm welcome to the participants. This was followed by a guided tour of the factory, where attendees were able to see the production process in operation, learning first-hand about the technologies and manufacturing methods used.
Afterwards, the sales and technical team explained the different models of mechanical, pneumatic and monogram seed drills. The visitors were able to see the different models up close and learn about their technical characteristics, as well as their competitive advantages.
The day continued with a dynamic in the field, where the company's main seeders were put into practice. The attendees had the opportunity to see them in action and check their performance and efficiency. Some of the new products and innovations that the company is working on, such as the VESTA P and VELOX models, were also presented.
The event concluded with a dinner where participants were able to share experiences and impressions of the day.
SOLÀ would like to thank all the attendees for their participation and interest. The positive response and the enthusiasm shown encourage us to continue working.

Jornadas de la Siembra Bien Hecha

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