Our team

At SOLÁ we know that people are our greatest asset. We have a team of more than 100 employees. We are fully aware that it is thanks to each and every one of them that we have reached where we are today. We work continuously to achieve a team of people who believe in our project and feel respected and fulfilled by our side..

Jordi Solà

Director General


Ginevra Solà

Adjunta a Dirección


Anaïs Solà



Ramón Aguirre

Bussines Development Manager


Teodoro Meneses

Director Comercial Nacional

Marcelo Luis Tiraquini

Director Técnico


David Figols

Director Producción


Jordi Llorens

Director S.A.T.


Sònia Vila

Directora de Compras


Ariadna Giralt

Responsable de Finanzas


Marta Querol

Dept.Comercial y Exportación


Laura Lloret

Dept.Comercial y Exportación


Joan Mensa

Dept. Repuestos


Alfredo de la Fuente



Jordi Biosca

Responsable de Diseño y Publicidad